Simone Veil Hospital Ubigreen chose to implement an energy audit mission buildings and support the construction of an energy management system.
This comprehensive support project is divided into four steps are: the energy audit, the action plan resulting, deployment of energy management system and the accompaniment.

The scope of the pilot project includes five significant buildings of the hospital Group Eaubonne Montmorency.
Simone Veil Hospital and is for continuous improvement of the energy performance of its sites in order to cope with a significant increase in consumption and energy costs and, with strong objectives:
– Manage and control the energy consumption of the sites,
– Reduce costs by improving the energy performance of buildings,
– Reduce emissions of greenhouse gas associated with its business,
– Conduct an energy audit,
– Define a policy for controlling consumption and energy expenditure,
– Implement a program of prioritized actions for energy control,
– Establish a periodic monitoring of consumption,
– Launch a discussion on the use of renewable energy sources.

The success of this project will both significantly improve the energy performance of these sites and therefore better control of the overall energy bill but also to enroll in an eco-active approach.


Ubigreen’s strengths

  • ROI in less than a year !
  • Up to -30% savings on energy bills
  • Reduced CO² emissions
  • Raising awareness and involvingoccupants


Are you looking to reduce your energy bills?

Découvrez notre dernier livre blanc : Les 10 étapes clés pour optimiser la gestion énergétique de vos bâtiments grâce à la data