Auxerre city logoAUXERRE CITY

Auxerre city have chosen Ubigreen to control its energy consumption

The implementation of an energy management software on Toulouse City to collect, monitor and optimize multi-fluid energy consumption (electricity, water, gas, oil) on its buildings to address environmental issues as well as economic issues.

The objectives of Auxerre City

Auxerre City has the following objectives:

  • increase responsiveness by reducing the negative environmental impact (greenhouse gas, CO2 emissions)
  • increase the visibility of the efforts made and to do with territorial agents,
  • increase the visibility of actions carried out through télérelevées energy data in real time.

The choice of  Ubigreen Performance, the energy management software the most advanced of the market

The energy management software Ubigreen Performance consists of these main functionalities: collecting energy and environmental data, a system of highly efficient automated alerts to detect leakage and budget overruns, data analysis with dashboards and energy powerful tools for benchmarking and reporting, management of action plans according to the ISO 50001 approach as well as dissemination tools and data communication to involve and educate occupants.

Are you looking to reduce your energy bills?

Ubigreen’s strengths

  • ROI in less than a year !
  • Up to -30% savings on energy bills
  • Reduced CO² emissions
  • Raising awareness and involvingoccupants

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