Check the images to see how to optimize space management


With the emergence of flex-office, teleworking, new ways of working, reduced working hours, holidays, travel, meetings and external missions, it is sometimes difficult for companies to know exactly which jobs are occupied.

– In these times of inflation, when the annual cost of a workstation is €11,000 on average, representing a substantial budget that can also be optimised, Ubigreen’s occupancy sensors can help managers make savings on the cost of a workstation by collecting data.

– Transforming your building into a Smart Building means improving its environmental performance: In addition to usage data, other types of sensor can collect data on the building’s energy consumption. In this way, occupancy data coupled with energy data will make it possible to optimise the kWh per m2 actually occupied and therefore reduce energy costs as much as possible, while guaranteeing the comfort of employees. This means, for example, controlling the heating so that employees arrive comfortably in the morning, but not keeping the heating on at night.

Work environment and HR managers need objective data to know how their spaces are really being used: workstations, meeting rooms, canteens, car parks, etc.

Incomplete measurements (such as statistical data from reservation solutions) or the absence of data will lead to poor decisions and you risk creating spaces that are oversized or not adapted to employees’ needs: a lack of meeting rooms of the right size, a lack of convivial spaces and less effective collaboration!

Our workspace analysis software enables you to identify areas for improvement and the relevant levers to activate in order to optimise floor space while facilitating the efficiency of your office teams.

Would you like to discover our Workspace solution?

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