Workspace occupancy sensor

Measure, analyze and compare in real time the use of your offices and meeting rooms

Our occupancy sensor wireless and without local infrastructure measures the actual use and the temperature in offices and meeting rooms.

The data collected in real time are available at any time in a 100% web software.

A multifunction sensor

Wireless sensors

The sensors can be easily attached under offices or hung on the wall

Measurement of occupancy data in real time

Sensors connected to the Sigfox network and upload data in real time

Measurement of temperature

Hourly measurement of ambient temperature

Remote without local infrastructure

No hardware to install

Double configuration

Two possibilities: by post, under the desk or by room, on the ceiling

Fully configurable

Scenario and detection sensitivity adjustable remotely

Why choose Ubigreen?

An all-in-one offer & quick and non-intrusive commissioning

> Supply and installation of sensors
> Integration and configuration of plans
> Secure integration with your IS
> Parameter setting and commissioning
> Training

Do you want to optimize your workspaces?

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